Instruments and Technology

The instrumentation is located in E156 of the Beadle Center. The RBC proteomic and metabolomic core Facility is equipped with 4000 QTRAP, ABSCIEX (Triple Quadrupole Ion Trap), Q-Star XL, ABSCIEX (Quadrupole-TOF) and ThermoFisher, LCQ-Fleet (ion trap) tandem mass spectrometers to provide a wide range of sample analysis. These instruments are equipped with ESI (micro spray and nanospray) and APCI sources to provide a wide range of ionization capabilities. 

ABSCIEX Q-TRAP 4000 integrated with Agilent 1200 and Dionex U3000 
LCQ Fleet integrated with 2D-nano LC/MS/MS system (ThermoFisher, USA)
LTQ Velos Pro System with ETD (Thermo Electron, USA)

Protein Bioinformatics Database:

The facility also maintains a data workstation dedicated to both qualitative and quantitative proteomics data processing, database searching, and generation of reports. Several popular software packages are installed on the data station, including Bioworks, XCalibur, Analyst, SEQUEST and Mascot server. 

Metabolomic Bioinformatics Software:

Several popular software packages are installed such as Analyst, Marker View, Lipid View (AB SCIEX)