Rodrigo Franco Cruz
Professor Vet & Biomedical Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
VBS 210
Lincoln NE 68583-0905 - Phone
Expertise: Redox signaling, cell death and neurodegenerative diseases.
Teaching: Redox Biochemistry BIOC 848, Signal Transduction VBMS 964, General Pharmacology and Toxicology VBMS 410
Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of cell death by redox signaling. • Molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of cellular transformation by redox signaling • Cell death and Neurodegenerative diseases • Environmental Toxicity and Oxidative stress • Molecular Mechanisms of Cytotoxic Brain Edema.
Visit Dr. Franco's lab: http://francolab.unl.edu/
1996-2000. B. S. in Biology. School of Sciences. National University of Mexico (UNAM) • 2000-2004. Ph.D. in Sciences (Biomedical sciences). Cell Physiology Institute. National University of Mexico (UNAM) • 2001. Visiting Scientist. Biochemical Department. August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhaguen, Copenhaguen, Denmark. • 2004-2009. Postdoctoral Fellow. Laboratory of Signal Transduction, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH.